Ōm namaḥ śivāya.
On Saturday, October 12th, 2024, devotees gathered at the MA Centre in Singapore at 9 a.m. to celebrate Vijayadaśamī.
Synopsis of Mādhavāmritaji’s talk:
Vijayadaśamī, ‘the victorious 10th day,’ marks the victory of Durgā over Mahiṣāsura and that of Rāma over Rāvaṇa. It is not a celebration of aggression but that of dharma over adharma. Navarātri indicates a progression from the lower to the higher gunạs, from tamas to satwa. To go beyond, we must strive for citta-śuddhi (mental purity) and engage in ātma-vicāra (Self-inquiry).
Amma’s Teaching:
Amma says, “Life is a book from which we can learn constantly. It is like sitting in an examination hall. The bell may ring at any moment and we will have to turn in our answer sheet. So, it is what we are doing in this moment—now—that determines our success or failure. We ought to have the same alertness in every action that we would have if we were standing before a blazing fire. If we can maintain that level of alertness, then we can learn a lesson from everything.”
The program was generously sponsored by Mr. Kartikasen Jayabalan and family, and Mr. Hari, Preethi and family.
The program concluded with an array of beautiful bhajans and a sumptuous lunch.
We thank you all of you for your generous support and enthusiastic participation. May Amma bless us all!
Ōm amṛtēśwaryai namaḥ.
Ever in Amma’s Service,
Amriteswari Society Singapore