
I and members of my family have registered to attend the above-mentioned Activity. I/We recognise and acknowledge that there are many risks and hazards (including inherent and unexpected hazards and risks) involved in going for and participating in the Activity and I/We shall take full responsibility for myself, my family and my property in respect of any and all such risks.

In consideration of me and members of my family being permitted to participate in the Activity described above organized by the Amriteswari Society and it’s organising committee members, I/We hereby for my/our heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, release and forever discharge and agree to save hold harmless and indemnify the Amriteswari Society, its management committee and its organsing committee members for the Activity from any and all lawsuits or actions, claims or demands by reason of any damage, loss, death or injury to myself any member of  my/our family or to my/our property arising from the participation in the Activity, notwithstanding that the same may have been contributed to or occasioned by any act or omission by the Amriteswari Society and/or any of its management committee and organsing committee members.