Lakshmi Narayana Pooja & Vishnu Sahasranamarchana

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In Celebration of Sri Ram Navami, Ugadi, Gudi Padwa, Vishu, Puthandu, Vaisakhi & Songkran 

A Prayer for well-being, positivity, strength, creativity, harmony & protection

8am to 10am

Pooja with Vishnu Sahasranamarchana


10am to 11am

Volunteers Meet


Prasadam Brunch


(in-person & in-absentia)

Individual –  $5

Family –  $10

Due to limited spaces and to help facilitate our logistical arrangements, we request you kindly complete and submit the pre-registration form.

Please note:

  • Online registration closes at 10pm on Sat 13th April (if you have missed the online registration deadline, please come to our Centre before 8am on 14th April)
  • In-Absentia participants are required to make their payment online

Pooja Sponsors – $250

Flowers – $75

Garlands – $75

Pooja Items – $75

Prasadam Voluntary Contributions – $10

Please call 6341 7701 for enquiries. We appreciate your kind support.

Please note:

  • In-Absentia participants are required to make their payment online

  • Online registration closes at 10pm on Sat 13th April

We look forward to welcoming you on the auspicious occasion