Have a passion for teaching?
Interested in imparting values to children to make a positive difference in their lives & in the world around us?
Has this been your dream?
Amriteswari Society, Singapore invites women & men for Teachers Training to teach Bala Kendra classes for children. The training sessions will be held on Sat 16th Nov & Sat 30th Nov, 7.15pm – 8. 45pm at Amriteswari Society (3 Hindoo Road)
Experience is not required. Resource materials will be provided. Trained persons will offer their services as volunteer Sevikas & Sevaks at the Amriteswari Society’s Bala Kendra, that is aligned with the teachings of Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (AMMA). There is no fee for the Teachers Training Programme.
What we require:
• Passion to learn & work with children twice a month.
• Commitment to teach & use your special talents to inspire the children.
• Inspiration to serve.
• Men & women 20 years & above.